What can we do while we are in the storms of affliction, trouble and suffering?
Psalm 57 was written, we are told, by David "when he fled from Saul, IN THE CAVE" (introduction to the Psalm). Can you picture David hiding in the darkness of a cave, afraid for his life? Saul, jealous and filled with murderous rage toward David, is leading his armed men in pursuit. David is in the storm.
What thoughts would pass through your mind? What emotions? "Thanks a lot, God. I thought Samuel anointed me the next king of Israel?? Is the next king of Israel about to die in a cave?!"
David's heart belongs to the Lord. He is in the cave...praying.
(Jonah was in the fish...praying; Jesus was on the cross...praying.)
David cries, "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge;
in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by." (v1)
David clings to God in the storm! Storms usually pull us closer to God, or give unbelievers excuse to run from him.
Next, look where David's trust is anchored:
"I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me" (v2).
David is trusting in God's sovereign plan! Oh, what peace there is in trusting our sovereign God!
Finally, David's thoughts are not self-centered in this prayer. Remember, he's hiding in a cave with an army looking for him! What's on his heart as he cries out to God for help?
"Be exalted, O God, above the heavens!
Let your glory be over all the earth!" (vs5, 11).
Twice David takes up this exclamation of praise while the storm is raging in his life. He knows that there is something bigger than being saved from suffering. There is MORE than my needs being met. God's glory is priority number one!!!
Does your heart beat for God's glory to be seen? Does this consume you...even in times when it's not natural to think about it?
So we've learned some important lessons from the David's storm.
1. Pray.
2. Take refuge in God till the storm passes by.
3. Rest in God's sovereignty.
4. Praise God and yearn for his glory to be seen.
Are you hiding in the cave? Are you in the storm?
Here is help!
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