The election is upon us. It is time to pray.
With all the craziness in American current events of late (economical insanity, governement bailout of banks, talk of government ownership of airlines, etc etc), I have jokingly thought of putting out a new line of T-shirts:
"AMERICA- It was good while it lasted"
We know God judges sin, and we have been pretty sinful as a nation. This week at our midweek prayer meeting we read Romans 1, where three times it says God "gave them up" to their own sins and passions and a debased mind. Sometimes people want to be completely free to do their own thing. That's not a good thing. When God removes his restraining grace and gives us over to our own devices, judgment has occurred.
And when repentance is lacking in a people, God may give them the leaders they deserve. God judges sin.
It seems that there is a lot at stake in this election, from the human perspective. Not the least of which being the possible appointment of several judges who may share the value system of the new president, and affect American legalities for generations.
We must remember 2 things as we approach election day:
1. Whoever wins is the man God ordained for this office at this time. God is sovereign over the affairs of man. The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, and he turns it however he desires (Proverbs 21:1). God raises up some and puts others down. Whoever the new American president is, we must not feel like God took a hit, was surprised, and must now go back to the drawing board to see how he can get this nation "back on track." God's man WILL win; his man to bless us, or his man to judge us.
2. There is always hope. Not hope for the right party to win or the right man to win, but hope in God who reigns over politics and mankind. Jesus is the King of all nations! There is hope, and we as Christ's followers should repent of our sins and pray for mercy in this election. Mercy for America. We deserve judgment. But God is merciful.
Let's pray for God to keep the doors of ministry open in Amercia. And hey, here's a new thought: let's actually walk through those doors and serve God faithfully!!
The craziness of American current events of late has served as a wake-up call for me. Christians in many nations don't have the freedom we have to serve God without fear of persecution. We find ourselves in a perfect setting for being faithful to Jesus. But we've spent the blessings on ourselves. We've gotten fat and lazy, spiritually speaking (but not ONLY spiritually speaking...). What if judgment is coming soon (now?) and we've run out of freedom in which to serve God without persecution? What have we done with our opportunity? Have we wasted it?! Let's wake up, church in America! Let's get to work for Jesus! We've gotta work while it's day, because night is coming when we can't work (John 9:4).
If God shows us mercy, praise God. We should wake up and serve him in the time of continued blessing. But if God shows judgment, we must still be faithful. If prosperity comes, serve Jesus. If persecution comes, serve Jesus. If the economy crashes and socialism engulfs America and rights are lost, etc etc: SERVE JESUS.
"Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires." Romans 13:11-14 (ESV)
I'm Cary Cox and I approve this message.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this, Cary. Eric woke me up when he came to bed a little after 11 tonight and told me the results of the election. After we prayed together, I couldn't go back to sleep then I remembered you had a post on the election in your blog and got up to read it. Very reassuring. God is sovereign over all things...AMEN!
I find the order and timing of your blog posts interesting also:
The problem/purpose of evil
The Presidential election
Evan's birthday/answered prayer/hope
God's motivation/the honor of His name
Nothing, not even the evilness in/of this world, is outside of His control! He puts into roles of leadership the people that He wants in them! He does hear and answer prayer! Hope is never lost! And, above all...HE will be glorified IN ALL THINGS...AMEN and PRAISE GOD!
Again, thanks for this blog post because not only is it reassuring, it is encouraging as well in such a time as this.
God bless you brother!
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