Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year, Kathmandu Style

It's been a long and GOOD day. I taught my two sessions and Kirk saw people crying as I discussed the sinful condition of man and our utter helplessness and need for God. In later sessions there were people jumping and dancing, and a time on our knees praying and crying out to God. Wow!

It's almost 10 pm now and I'm back at the church building. We are getting ready for a New Year's Meeting to ring in the new year. They are doing a bonfire and Asian BBQ chicken. Smells good... I've been asked to preach at the meeting, and the Lord has given me a word of encouragement for these pastors. A holy, God-glorifying church is worth any price. No sacrifice is too much; no price is too high. It was worth it to God, who gave his Son. It was worth it to Christ, who gave himself at the cross. It was worth it to Paul, who endured all things for the sake of the elect. Is it worth it to us? Do we see the value in God's eternal purpose (Eph 3) of showing his glory in Christ through the church he is gathering? This is his work. I pray the pastors here will see the value of this work and continue to pour out their lives in it, for Christ's glory. It's worth it!!!

Even as I say that, I know that it is worth it for us to miss our family and travel around the world to build a holy church in Nepal. What a small sacrifice...

It's crazy that we'll be celebrating the new year while you guys are eating lunch. And as the clock strikes midnight, Kim and I will have been married 5 years. Happy anniversary, Kim!!!!

Much love and thanks to all of you who are praying. It's worth it!
Happy new year from the ends of the earth!!
I'm praying for you, CCC! Finish strong!

1 comment:

KenMan said...

I am sorry that I JUST now sat down to read these updates! What a blessing it was to see how God is using you over there! Please know that we are praying for you and the work you are doing over there. As I read these updates tears came to my eyes.I am so happy to see my "little" brother,finally do what he has dreamed of for years! It's awsome ! Love and prayers to you all! And Steve eat some curry for me!!
MeLinda Halsted